Author: Tom.Burba

  • Ringing The Bell

    As of last Friday my battle with leukemia is over, hopefully forever. On Friday I had my last of 110 infusions and I rang the bell at MD Anderson Cancer Center to celebrate. Many family, friends, nurses and cancer center staff were there in person and via Zoom to celebrate with us. I will have […]

  • Monday, February 13th, 2023

    Gosh, it has been a while since we have posted an update. I guess that was because we have just been plodding along through treatments and breaks with no big news to report. The good news is that all in all my treatments have been going fine, with minimal side effects, compared to what other […]

  • Friday – November 4th

    Today is the last weekday of my 4 week break from arsenic infusions (chemo). I did still have to go in once per week to get the dressing changed on my PICC line and I had 1 appointment with my NP. Other than those few visits, life was back to normal for the past 4 […]

  • August 20 – Day 7

    My sister Laura made a countdown chain for the remaining days of the predicted 30 day stay here at the hospital. Today we removed the first link in the chain, and it was very a appropriate word – “Kindness!” If there is one thing that has moved me to tears this past week, it has […]

  • August 18th – Day 5

    Today is starting out well. I had a good night’s sleep last night. They seem to have figured out the right combination of medications and timing to offset the side effects of the night time arsenic treatments. All of the staff here at Banner Gateway/MD Anderson have been amazing. They are cheerful, encouraging, professional and […]