Note From Web Team

There are two ways to interact with this journal/blog:

  1. New Post notification only. “I just want an email when there is a new post”. To do this, go to the bottom left corner and put in your name and email and click “submit”
  2. Commenting on Posts. “I want to leave a comment on posts”. To do this, you must sign up to become a user.
    1. You do the by going to the end of a full post (not the shortened snippet on the home page).
    2. Near the bottom section you will see a request to “Leave a Reply”. The message says you must be logged in. Click the login link and it will take you to a login page.
    3. Near the bottom of the login message, there is an option there to “register”. There you will put in your name and an email. It will then tell you to check your email for an email confirmation. This may take awhile (up to an hour!) to receive your email confirmation. Some emails go to a spam or a “promotions” email.
    4. Once you receive the email, it will ask you to click o a link to create a password.
    5. Once completed, you will be able to log in and make comments.

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