Wednesday, September 14 – Days 29 & 30

Today completes the 30 day healing word chain that Tom’s sister Laura made for Tom. We turned the healing words to the outside of the chain so we can see these words every day. We are thankful for God’s healing upon Tom in these past 30 days.

WEEKEND – A nice break for Tom and I this past weekend. Tom did not need to have chemo!! It was a weekend of rest for Tom & me. A well needed break!

MONDAY – Tom’s Dr. Appt went well. Tom is now in the second phase of his cancer, Consolidation. This phase will destroy any Leukemia cells that remain in his body. Tom will continue Arsenic, 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off, M-F. Alternating with ATRA (vitamin A) 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off, taken orally at home. This cycle will be repeated.

TUESDAY – Tom continues to feel fatigued from the chemo, low energy & not much of an appetite. However, signs of improvement are happening!

The Soleri Bell, created by the artisans at Arcosanti, is a resounding bell of HOPE. Patients ring the bell at the cancer center at the completion of their treatment, symbolizing the end of a long and challenging journey. Whenever anyone hears this bell, no matter where you are in the cancer center, everyone claps as they know this person has completed their treatment. Whenever Tom and I hear the bell of HOPE we get very teary eyed. I remind Tom that this is going to be him, ringing the BELL OF HOPE when he has completed his treatments.

The poem was written by an MD Anderson Cancer patient, a Survivor of cancer.

WEDNESDAY – We continue to Trust in God’s love and plan for Tom. We embrace HOPE to get us through each day & we walk through this journey, one day at a time, with Perseverance.

We will continue to update you on Tom’s progress once or twice a week. WE LOVE YOU! 🙏🙏🕊


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