Wednesday, September 7 – Day 25

Hill of Crosses – Northern Lithuania Pope John Paul II visited the Hill of Crosses on this date, September 7, 1993, declaring it a place of hope, peace, love and sacrifice. Tom and I had the opportunity of visiting the Hill of Crosses with family members in October, 2019.

Dear Family & Friends, Tom was able to rest and sleep this morning. His infusion appt was at 1:15 this afternoon. Tom was up a bit more today and resting in a comfy chair. A friend from church came by to bring Holy Communion for Tom and me. A gift of peace and strength for us both. In the past few days, Tom has been feeling more nauseous, fatigued, lethargic & eating less. Unfortunately, side effects from the arsenic & cancer. We are trying different things to help ease the side effects. Tom has a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow morning, Thursday at10:15. He is anxious abt this procedure as his last biopsy was an hour long and painful at times. According to the Dr., the 2nd biopsy should be less painful since Tom is doing chemo. Please keep Tom in your prayers!

The healing word today from the chain Tom’s sister Laura made for Tom is WARRIOR. Tom is truly a Brave Warrior as he battles with APL Leukemia. His battle is long and hard! However, Tom finds comfort in knowing that he is not alone in this battle. Each of you are warriors helping Tom to carry his daily crosses. Your love, prayers strength & hope make it more bearable for Tom to continue on in the battle. Thank you for being courageous prayer warriors for Tom, me and our family!

Peace and Love!


5 responses to “Wednesday, September 7 – Day 25”

  1. Time seems to move faster and faster the older we get. In the blink of an eye your treatment will be over and you will be back in Pine hosting concerts. Today will just be a memory that leaves you stronger and with an even greater appreciation of life itself.

    Our prayers are with you ever day. My God Bless and heal you soon.

    Dan & Median

  2. The photo of The Hill of Crosses took my breathe away. I cannot imagine how it felt for you to be there. Tom, I visit a special cross in my house every day and offer up a prayer for you. Continue to keep you gaze at the cross, and the healing that it brings you. Hugs, my friend.

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