August 20 – Day 7

My sister Laura made a countdown chain for the remaining days of the predicted 30 day stay here at the hospital. Today we removed the first link in the chain, and it was very a appropriate word – “Kindness!” If there is one thing that has moved me to tears this past week, it has not been the diagnosis or the challenge ahead, it has been the kindness that we have been shown by so many of you.

I continue to feel well, to tolerate the new combination of medicines and to sleep well. One of my PAs was in today and said that medically, it looks good to possibly be discharged a bit sooner than the original 30 days. The potential hitch in the giddy-up will be figuring out the logistics of insurance, billing, etc., since our health-share provider direct bills with Banner Gateway for the hospital stay, but not with MD Anderson for outpatient treatments. But they have good resources here to help us figure that out.

Thank you again for your Love, Support and Kindness!


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