Category: TomBurbaUpdates

  • Ringing The Bell

    As of last Friday my battle with leukemia is over, hopefully forever. On Friday I had my last of 110 infusions and I rang the bell at MD Anderson Cancer Center to celebrate. Many family, friends, nurses and cancer center staff were there in person and via Zoom to celebrate with us. I will have […]

  • Monday, February 13th, 2023

    Gosh, it has been a while since we have posted an update. I guess that was because we have just been plodding along through treatments and breaks with no big news to report. The good news is that all in all my treatments have been going fine, with minimal side effects, compared to what other […]

  • Monday, November 14th

    Hello Family & Friends! Hope this update finds each of you well. Tom returned to chemo this past week. Good news is that Tom is feeling well and we hope he continues to do so! Tom will have chemo treatments Monday-Friday for 4 weeks. He is on his 2nd cycle of 4 weeks on chemo, […]

  • Friday – November 4th

    Today is the last weekday of my 4 week break from arsenic infusions (chemo). I did still have to go in once per week to get the dressing changed on my PICC line and I had 1 appointment with my NP. Other than those few visits, life was back to normal for the past 4 […]

  • Testing email notification fix…

    We have fixed an issue with email notifications. Here is a link to Tom and Maggie’s most recent message:

  • SUNDAY – October, 23rd

    Tom and I are enjoying time in the Pines this weekend. We haven’t been able to be at our cabin since July. Hello Dear Family & Friends! Hope you have found time for rest & relaxation this weekend! Tom is doing well! He saw the NP this past Monday. BW looks good. NP said to […]

  • SUNDAY – October, 16th

    TOGETHER Hello Dear Family & Friends! Hope all is well with each of you! A week ago Friday, Tom completed 8 weeks of chemo treatments! And the beginning of a month OFF from chemo!! Our daughter and grand kids joined us as we released 8 balloons and 2 balloons that that said, “CELEBRATE!” The 8 […]

  • Thursday, October, 6th

    Hello Dear Family & Friends, We hope you find joy in the ordinary things in life today. This Friday, Tom will complete his 4 week cycle of chemo. He will have 4 weeks off from treatment. Looking forward to this break for Tom & me!!We are THANKFUL for how well the treatments are fightining the […]

  • Friday, September 30th

    Your LOVE And Your GRACE Are Sufficient For Me Hello Family and Friends! We hope all is well with each of you. This handsome man had a haircut this week. Our daughter Emily arranged for a friend, a hairdresser to come to our home and cut Tom and my hair. We feel like new people! […]

  • Thursday, September 22nd

    “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul. A hope sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil.” HEBREWS 6:19 Hello Dear Family & Friends, This weeks update on Tom – We saw the Dr. on Monday. An encouraging visit. The Dr. said Tom is moving in the right direction. And […]