Here We Are – Background

This is a blog site for information on the status of Tom Burba’s journey through the Leukemia healing process.

In early August Tom started to have some peculiar bleeding and bruising. His doctor did some blood work. The doctor called back two days later with serious concerns and he instructed Tom go directly to the hospital. This initial blood tests indicated leukemia. They start treatment immediately.

The next morning they performed a bone marrow biopsy. It will take up to 48 hours to confirm the type of leukemia (which dictates the treatment plan). Initial indications leads to a type called APL. This would be a good outcome as this type has a highly success rate. We are awaiting confirmation of the initial diagnostic. Treatment has already begun with arsenic as the key drug to combat the disease.

Tom will need to stay in the hospital for 30 days safety and quarantine reasons. Treatment after that will be aggressive from an out-patient strategy.

Initially, human interactions must be limited to a small cohort to make sure he does not catch any infections. So visiting will be low for the first few weeks.

He has a sweet suite for the month.

One response to “Here We Are – Background”

  1. Oh soo glad to read that you are now back at home Tom. May God’s tremendous Love and Healing Power continue to be poured out abundantly on you, and also on Maggie, the family, and all of the doctors and nurses who are taking care of you. Mike and I, in company with countless others surround you all with our prayers. Thank you so much for keeping us all posted. We are all with you very much. Love, Jeanne and Mike Moriarty

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